Focused on Growth: Meet Jaylen Hill

Vaddo, Inc.
3 min readJun 30, 2022

At eighteen years old, our Sales Representative, Jaylen Hill, is just kick-starting his professional journey. However, you wouldn’t know it from speaking with him. While new to our industry, he has an unparalleled mindset focused on growth and long-term success. A Newport News, VA, native, Jaylen, knew that he wanted to take the plunge after graduating high school last year and plant his roots here in Houston, choosing to follow his dreams, even if it meant leaving behind everything he’s ever known. We admire his dedication to stepping out of his comfort zone and knew from our first phone conversation with him that his goals and ours aligned.

Jaylen officially joined our Vaddo, Inc. family this past October. In the short time he’s been with us, he’s made huge strides and cemented his role as a leader and source of encouragement for our team. He has a natural ability to inspire those around him through his open-mindedness and belief that anything is possible when working as a unit. We are a people-focused business, and Jaylen’s visionary leadership style has proved beneficial. While he says that he is independently-motivated, it is clear that his vision for his future revolves around being a resource for others!

“I’m more independently-motivated because I can only control how I feel internally versus a team. One bad attitude can affect the whole team, and when that happens, I just continue to motivate myself independently.”

Speaking of goals, Jaylen’s got them! In the near future, he’s looking to build a strong team around him. In the long-term, he wants to retire at thirty-five, where he can solely focus on investing and coaching others! Again, we see that he’s always thinking of how he can positively impact those around him. Instead of continuing to share our views and ideas of Jaylen, we’re going to let you hear from this up-and-coming business leader directly!

Jaylen, let’s start at the beginning. When you were young, what did you aspire to be?

I wanted to be a professional athlete and entrepreneur.

With your driven attitude, we’re not shocked!

How did your move from Virginia to Texas change you?

It gave me new perspectives of life, spiritually and physically. It also enhanced numerous skills such as communication, sales, professionalism, and so much more.

We’ve shared a bit about your journey here at Vaddo, Inc. But, can you tell us how your career has grown since your first day?

This company has given me a good base for my career. It changed my everyday life, like how I talk, how I walk, and how I do the little things that are just as important as the big things.

What’s your favorite thing about working with us?

My favorite thing about the company is that it’s not just about sales. It’s a personal development opportunity in numerous aspects of life while building genuine connections with other people. Everything is up to you, including how fast you can grow and develop.

As a leader, what do you look for in a teammate?

Trustworthiness and honesty. Nobody’s perfect; we are all growing, but if I can’t trust you to be honest with me, it hinders our partnership from growing on a steady track.

Can you share one piece of business advice for newcomers to our company?

Be grateful for your journey that leads to the result you want.

What advice do you have for someone working to overcome their circumstances?

We all go through the same things. Find people who’ve had similar experiences and see how they handled it.

Jaylen, we are thrilled that your journey brought you to us and that we are learning so much from one another!

Extroverted with a keen sense for when he needs to take personal time, Jaylen has the mindset and skills to be an unstoppable business leader. He is charismatic, grateful for his journey here at Vaddo, Inc., and one of our best 2021 achievements. Having him say yes to our job offer was one of our favorite moments of last year, and we know that he will continue to grow and thrive over the months to come. We are thrilled to have had the chance to shine a much-deserved spotlight on him and are excited to witness his upcoming accomplishments!



Vaddo, Inc.

Vaddo, Inc. is a premier retail sales and marketing firm based in Houston, TX. We are known for our direct sales strategy and new customer acquisition.